Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Women Who Consume This Food Will Never Have To Deal With Breast Cancer


We know well that the Mediterranean food is believed to protect the heart, prevents the development of Alzheimer’s disease and reduces depression. However, scientists think that it is useful for preventing the development of breast cancer as well.

What Mediterranean diet is consisted of?

Fresh fruits and vegetables:

– Cereals

– Fat free meat

– Fish and sea food

– Milk and dairy products

– Nuts and legumes

– Olive oil.

The results of a new study confirm that a diet rich in olive oil is associated with a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Women from Spain, who followed the given die, have had reduced the risk by as much as 68%.

Scientists still cannot confirm whether it is just the consequences of the Mediterranean diet or it is due to the increased intake of olive oil in the body, but study leader, Dr. Miguel Martinez – Gonzalez, from the University of Navarre says:

“The results of this study confirm the benefit of Mediterranean diet, together with an increased share of olive oil in the prevention of breast cancer.”

He also adds that several more studies need to be implemented, but he specifies that the Mediterranean diet, which is based on herbs, fish and olive oil, greatly helps in reducing the risk of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.