Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Miraculous Recipe To Treat Cancer And Protect Against Stroke


In today’s article we are about to present incredible recipe for treating the entire organism!

This recipe will excellently help in the process of treating cancer, cleaning blood vessels, cleansing liver, healing the heart, enhancing the immune system, preventing heart attack and improving the brain.

Ingredients needed:

– 400 grams of wheat germ

– 400 grams of walnuts

– 1 kg of honey

– 12 cloves of garlic

– 15 lemons

Method of preparation:

Put the wheat germ in a clean glass jar and then fill the jar with water and leave it to stand for 11 hours. Cover with gauze. After 11 hours strain the resulting mixture through gauze and wash the germs well. One day later sprouts, with 1-2 mm in height, will occur.

Use meat mincer in order to ground the wheat germ together with garlic and walnuts. Ground 5 lemons with the rind and add them to the mixture as well.

Squeeze the juice out of the remaining lemon and add it to the mixture too. Finally add the honey.

Transfer the resulting mixture in glass jars.

Store the jars in the fridge for three days before using the remedy.

This remedy treats the entire organism and all diseases!

Way of consuming:

Consume 1 to 2 tablespoons half an hour before each meal, 3 times a day.

For treating cancer you need to consume 1 tablespoon on every two hours.