Garlic Milk – A Magical Remedy To Relieve You From Sciatica Pain



Garlic’s milk acts amazing against intestinal worms and preparation of an enema but it is also good against the pain caused by sciatica.

A car mechanic, who has long suffered from sciatica, says that he listened to the advice and drank garlic milk every day. Already after a few days he felt relief, and 14 days later the disease completely disappeared.

Preparation of garlic milk

You can make garlic milk fresh or cooked. The fresh one acts much stronger than the cooked one. The cooking alleviates the smell, but it still acts satisfying.

You should first crush the garlic. There are some small, practical gadgets that are doing this perfectly fine. You can use such a gadget especially for the preparation of milk garlic.

Immediately mix the crushed garlic with fresh milk and drink the resulting mixture. As mentioned, you can also cook the garlic in milk.

If you want to achieve stronger effect, you need to drink at least 2 dl of garlic milk on a daily basis.


Source: healthylifetricks