OMG AGAIN! Look What They Found In McDonalds Chicken Nugget



A woman certainly got more than she expected after recently ordering a meal from McDonalds. You could say she was left feeling a little unhappy after ordering a Happy Meal from the fast food outlet in Tamworth.

Nikki Sanders originally bought the meal for her daughter Emily, but luckily the four year old wasn’t hungry. Grabbing the chicken nugget for herself, Nikki was left shocked after taking a bite from the famous McDonald snack.

“I just took a bite from the chicken McNugget and it tasted odd. I suddenly saw a pink stringy thing hanging down and spat the rest of the nugget out into the bag. I couldn’t believe it, I just felt sick.”

BPM MEDIA: Neil and Nikki Sanders found a worm in their daughter Emily’s McDonald’s chicken nugget. A fast food fan, the 30 year old canteen worker said she discovered what appeared to be a worm hanging out of the batter surrounding the famous McDonald’s snack. Luckily for Emily, she turned down the meal even before Nikki found out what was hiding inside.

Nikki expressed relief at the fact her daughter had not had the close encounter with what appeared to be a worm. The mother also saw a silver lining in the situation. She told the Mirror “I’m very fussy about what I eat and when I saw what was in the McNugget I went white. I’m just thankful Emily decided she didn’t want her Happy Meal. One good thing has come out of this though. It’s turned me off processed meat. I’m eating a lot healthier now.”

Sanders husband Neil expressed disgust towards the incident. “It looks like a worm, but I can’t swear it’s one until tests have been carried out. Whatever it is, it shouldn’t be in there.”

The family was offered complimentary food and a McDonald’s spokesperson made an apology, insisting that food safety and customer experience is a top priority for the famous food chain. For all those McDonald’s fans out there, let’s hope that it’s a one-off.


Source: healthadvisorgroup