Best Plants To Grow Indoors For Air Purification According To NASA



Most of us don’t know that indoor air pollution is the most hazardous kind of air pollution for our health. It is specifically harmful for the kids who are likely to spend more of their time indoors.

The fact is that air toxicity within our homes and buildings can be almost twice the air toxicity outdoors. It can cause various health problems including asthma, hormone imbalance, allergies, headaches and other health issues.

Whatever items you are using in your home everyday will have an impact on the quality of the air you are breathing in. This includes:

– Your makeup

– The cleaning products

– Mold and dust

– Furniture

– Artificial fragrances

– Paints

– Smoking

– Carpets

– Computers

– Even dry cleaned clothes

All such pollutants release toxic gasses and chemicals. But you don’t have to continue breathing in these harmful emissions. You could have control over your indoor air quality with the help of some plants. These plants have been found to help effectively improve air quality.

According to NASA’s research, it has been found that when there is sufficient number of plants indoors, they help in detoxifying almost 85% of the pollution in the indoor air. NASA was busy finding plants that could help in purifying air within its space facilities during the 1980s. Their study involved 15 plants where they were studied for the ability for removing 3 widespread indoor pollutants from the air – formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene.

The plants were found to filter the air through the removal of trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene. The worst and most shocking thing is that these toxic compounds are found in most homes.

Which are the Best Plants for Improving Indoor Air Quality?

Areca Palm

Areca Palm is commonly found in homes and is perfect for improving indoor air quality. It will release a large volume of moisture into air. In fact, it has been rated as one of the most useful houseplants for removal of indoor toxins. The plant captures the carbon dioxide and converts it into useful oxygen.

Typically, you should place 4 plants (up to shoulder height) for each person in your home. It will help if you wipe its leaves daily. If you want to get areca palm, visit here.

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Mother-in-law’s tongue (snake’s tongue) is also found commonly in homes. It is also referred by the name – bedroom plant because it is capable of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen at nighttime.

It also works by filtering other air pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, benzene, and toluene. Make sure there are 6-8 of these plants (waist height) for each person in your family. You can get this plant here.

Gerbera Daisy or Gerbera Jamesonii

Gerbera Daisy is a popular plant known for its decorative properties. It is both elegant and great at filtering the air. It effectively removes trichloroethylene and benzene from the air.

Similar to mother-in-law’s tongue, gerbera daisy is also active at night because it releases oxygen after dusk. This means better sleep at nighttime. You should also have it in your home if someone in the family is suffering from asthma.

According to NASA, every 2,000 sq.ft. home should have 15 plants for maintaining air quality. It is not only important to have these plants in your home, you should also take additional steps for reducing how much toxic substances are brought into your home.


Source: Living Traditionally

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