One Cup Of This Drink Clears Your Lungs And Boosts Your Immune System (RECIPE)



Oats has been considered to be one of the healthiest foods around. More importantly recent research also goes to prove this. It nutritional values are high with compounds like lecithin, Vitamin A & B, proteins, amino acids, niacin, biotin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and iodine. There are essential minerals that are required for several day to day activities.

Oats mucus can be used to prepare a soup, which can be useful in the recovery from intestinal or stomach operations. It can also cure ailments such as kidney problems, gallbladder issues, ulcers and also stabilize blood sugar. This recipe can also cure coughs in children and also improve their immune system. Wet coughs, where there is a small squeaking like sound from the chest, can be cured by this recipe. The squeaking is mainly due to the buildup of excess mucus which can be cleared by consumption of this soup.

So what is required to make this soup?

– A Cup of Hulled Oats

– One Cup of Water

– Honey – 200 Grams / 7 Oz

How to make the oat soup?

– First wash and clean the oats.

– Put them in a small pot.

– Fill water in the pot and let this mixture be cooked on a stove.

– Once the mixture boils, cool it for a couple of minutes.

– Now add some Honey to it.

– Leave this mixture overnight.

– Next morning the oats is to be squeezed out.

– The remaining liquid is to be stored in a glass in a fridge.

There will be sufficient portions of this recipe prepared which will last for upto four or five days.

How to use this?

This liquid is to be provided to your child for forty straight days. The recommended dosage is 30 ml in a small cup especially on an empty stomach. After that give a break for fifteen days and then after this, the remedy is to be continued for another forty days. It is also strongly recommended that there should be no skipping in days which using this treatment, except for the recommended 15 day break.

So what happens when you consume this?

The liquid will make sure that all the mucus is removed from the lungs and the coughing will stop. The liquid is also known to improve your child’s immune system and thus make this less susceptible for ailments in the future.



Source: healthylifestyleadvice