19 Healthiest Foods You Need to Give to Your Dog & What to Avoid



If you have a pet, you must always be concerned about your friend. You must have been so careful about the foods which are harmful and beneficial for your pet. This article will give you 19 healthiest foods which can be given to your pet.

Tuna & Salmon

Fish is great for your pet because it contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. There are many benefits of giving these fish to your dog:

– The fatty acids in tuna and salmon help in keeping your pet’s coat healthy and shiny.

– It contains high amounts to vitamins and proteins.

– It helps in boosting your pet’s immune system.

Cooked salmon is a favorite with dogs and you could also add salmon oil into their diet. Tuna may be popular as cat snack, but that doesn’t mean it is not a great food for your dog. It can be a healthy meal for your dog.

Lean Meat

There are so many health benefits of lean meat. It is rich in vitamin Bs and amino acids. B vitamins play crucial role in the maintenance of high energy in a dog’s metabolism. Interestingly, many vets have done a lot to improve it over the years. When your dog eats lean meat, it will get additional quality protein in his diet.

You can use beef, pork or thick chicken without any visible fat and extra seasonings/sauces as the perfect training treat for your dog.


Liver is just like lean meat. It is rich in so many types of vitamins, especially vitamin A, K and B. It also contains iron. Liver is also the perfect training treat. You can also use it as meal replacement.

It is available fresh at the grocery store. It can be fed cooked, baked or even fresh to your pet. It is also available in freeze-dried form in pet stores.

Note: – Keep a limit on how much liver your dog eats. Excess of it can be toxic. Calculate the weight of your dog in kg. This will be the number of grams of fresh liver that you can give your dog in a day.


Oatmeal contains high amounts of fiber, a nutrient which is essential for your dog. Make sure that it is cooked before it’s served. Oatmeal is the perfect diet for older dogs that have bowel irregularity problems.

Oatmeal is also a good option for your pet if it is allergic towards wheat.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in so many nutrients and they are also safe for your pet. They contain high amounts of Vitamin B6 and C, manganese, and beta-carotene. You should slice them and then dehydrate before giving your dog.


Eggs are perfect additions to your dog’s diet. They give them extra proteins.


Parsley is also a great food for your dog. It helps in improving your pet’s breath by cleaning the “stinky breath.” It is rich in calcium, potassium, and beta-carotene. You can add it to your dog’s diet by putting few tablespoons of chopped parsley. It will give you some extra color and flavor too.


Give your dog pears after you have removed the seeds and cores. Remember, the seeds and cores could be toxic. Cut it and remove the core and give only the eatable parts to your pet.

Cheese and Cottage Cheese

You can also give cheese and cottage cheese to your dog. Because cheese has high fat content, choose low-fat or reduced-fat cheese. It is important to ensure that your pet is not lactose intolerant. Cottage cheese is rich in protein and calcium and can also be a good option.

Greek Yogurt And Kefir

Greek yogurt and kefir can be comparable to cheese in their high protein and calcium content. Choose yogurts free from active bacteria. They can be perfect for your dog’s digestive system.

It is also recommended to select yogurts without artificial sweeteners or added sugars.


The calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in popcorn are great for building your dog’s bones. Popcorn has low amount of calories, and it is rich in potassium. You can share your popcorn with your dog when watching a movie. But make sure that your pet eats popcorn without salt and butter. So cook some separately for him.

Flax Seed

Just like tuna and salmon flax seed is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are good for your dog’s coat and skin. But there are many other health benefits of whole flax seeds. It is recommended to allow it to go rancid before whole flax seeds are given to your pet.

Flax oil is richer in omega-3 fatty acids because the fatty acids are more concentrated in it. But the oil doesn’t have the fiber of flax seeds.

Make sure that the seeds and oil are stored in the refrigerator in some ark and airtight container.


You can feed peas to your dog in different ways. They can be added thawed or frozen. They contain high amounts of phosphorus, vitamin B and potassium.


Broccoli is loaded with vitamins. It is a nutritional boost for everyone and it offers the same benefits to dogs too. But you must keep the limit to less than 10 percent of your pet’s diet. You don’t want him to overeat because that may cause gastrointestinal irritation.

Baby Carrots

This is a low-calorie snack for your dog. It is rich in beta-carotene and fiber. It is also great for your pet’s teeth.

Green Beans

You can also give green beans to your dog. They can work as good low-calorie snacks. But make sure there’s no added salt.

Seaweed Nori

This dried seaweed is edible and can help in regulating your dog’s metabolism with its chlorophyll and sterols. It also contains protein, vitamin C and E, and all kinds of B vitamin. It is also rich in fiber, zinc and copper.

Apple Slices

You can also give apple slices to your dog. They are rich in fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Make sure the core and seeds are removed because they can cause choking. Besides supplying the nutrients, apple can also help in cleaning the residues in your dog’s teeth.

Fruit Salad

You can also give fruit salads to your dog to improve hi health. you can use different fruits to prepare the salad. This can include apples, cantaloupe, bananas, strawberries, blueberries and water melon.

Coconut & Coconut Oil

Coconut and coconut oil are great not only for your health. They are also good for dogs.

– Lauric Acid – When your dog consumes this acid, it helps in the production of monoglyceride monolaurin. It kills pathogenic bacteria and various types of viruses.

– Albumin – The albumin in coconut is a water-soluble form of protein. It is part of the liquids and tissues in animals.

Your dog also needs good care for his health, just like your health. When your dog gets the right food, it will become both healthy and happy. While you should be giving all these beneficial foods to your pet, make sure to avoid all the ones that can be harmful to your pet’s health.


Source: Healthy Food House