Say Goodbye To 8kg Toxins With This Drink For Only 14 Days



The colon plays an important role in our body. It stimulates the digestive system’s function, maintains the water balance in the body and regulates the entire immune system. Its main function is to remove the toxic waste out of the body, so, in case of malfunction of the body, the waste remains in the body leading to more serious health problems.

The food usually needs 24 hours to pass through the body and foods low in nutrients, fiber and enzymes can be kept in the body up to 70 hours. This results in large waste deposits in your intestines. Constipation is the first sign of retention of waste in the body..

Symptoms of clogged bowel/constipation usually include:

– Poor health condition

– Weak immune system

– Skin rashes

– Bladder or vaginal infections

– Poor memory

– Mood swings

– Anxiety

– Fatigue

– Depression

– Pain in the muscles and joints

Furthermore, the symptoms of indigestion include abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, bloating and/or constipation.

In 1940, Stanley Burroughs, alternative medicine practitioners, appeared with a program for cleansing the colon which takes 10-16 days.

Ingredients needed:

– 300 ml of filtrated water

– A pinch of powdered cayenne pepper

– 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup

– Freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon

Method of preparation:

This medicine is very easily prepared. You need to simply mix all abovementioned ingredients together and consume this resulting medicine for at least 10 days, 5-8 times a day.

The essential oils are also very useful for cleansing the colon because they contain nutrients that are easily absorbed.

Ingredients needed:

– 10 drops of essential mint oil

– Freshly squeezed juice of 1 organic lemon

Method of preparation and way of use:

Mix both ingredients and add 250 ml of water. Consume the resulting remedy in the upcoming 14 days in order to gain unbelievable benefits.


Source: HealthyLifestyleTeam