The True Cause Of Pain: How The Spine Is Connected To Internal Organs



All of us are familiar with pain. Unfortunately, we may not be very good at diagnosing the reason for the pain. Our reaction to pain often consists of swallowing two tablets of analgesic that is the current favourite.

Did you know that your headache could be related to spinal problems? In fact, a whopping 70% of headaches have their root cause in the spine. A tingling in your hands could be related to the part of the spine in the neck area.

The fact of the matter is that the spine is linked to our internal organs in such a way that any problem in any part of the spine can affect the related body organ.

Intervertebral disc function can cause problems with vision, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and problems with swallowing. Pain in parts of the digestive system, especially the intestines and stomach can  be caused by problems with the part of the spine behind the chest.

Some people experience diminished sensitivity in the feet and other part of legs, or pain in the hips as well as thighs. These could be caused by problems in the lumbar spine.

Thus, the process of deciding the root cause of pain should definitely include a look at one’s spine. Strengthening the spine should have priority in any programme aimed at general body health.


Source: Natural Health Care For You