Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Pumpkin Honey – True Remedy For Your Liver: How To Make It?


Such as other types of honey, pumpkin honey is also used in medical purposes.

The areas of application of this honey are very different. It is the most effective when it comes to treating liver and kidney related diseases. For many, this honey is valuable because effectively helps in treating urinary tract.

Thanks to the laxative and diuretic properties, pumpkin honey can help you very much in the fight against constipation and various bowel diseases.

At the same time, because of the large amount of vitamins and carotene, this honey is an excellent immunity booster and the general tone of life.

It can help in the fight against increased cholesterol, atherosclerosis, reduces edema of cardiac failure. Use of pumpkin honey is recommended for people who have increased body weight.

How to prepare this honey?

For the preparation of honey, you need one ripe pumpkin. All you need to do is crop the top of the pumpkin and remove the insides (seeds and fiber). You should put brown sugar or honey in the pumpkin’s hole.

After that, close the pumpkin with the piece you previously cut and let it stand still for 10 days in cold area.

It is the best to place the pumpkin in a large bowl, because over time it will soften and will be difficult to move.

During that time, the brown sugar or honey will melt in the pumpkin. Once the sugar has melted, remove the lid and the resulting liquid is transferred into a glass container.

Storing pumpkin honey:

It is best to store the honey in the refrigerator in a clean glass jar with a lid. This product’s shelf life is around one month.

Way of use:

The method of using this honey is optional. You can use it for sweetening tea. You can also consume it independently (2-3 teaspoons, 2-3 times a day, or as a topping for pancakes. Consume it as you wish.