Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Items You Should Never Share With Anyone


There are certain items which you must not share with anyone otherwise you will endanger your health.

Do you know which items are we talking about? If not, read bellow in this article!

1. Caps, helmets, hats, brushes and combs

Everything you put on your head should not be shared with anyone else. Bedding, that touches your face, is yet another thing you must not share. These items should only be yours and only you can use them.

2. Makeup

Face skin is extremely sensitive, and since makeup is applied on the face, you must not share it with anyone else.

3. Antiperspirants

Armpits are also too sensitive. This is why you must not share antiperspirants, such as roll-ons and sticks. Perhaps these products prevent sweating and bad smell, but they do not contain compounds that would kill potentially dangerous bacteria.

4. Soap

Soap cleans and disinfects, but experts advise it should be your own mean of hygiene. This is due to the fact that soaps can spread bacteria.

5. Nail accessories

Remember to never share nail files, nail clippers and even nail polishes with your friends. Bacteria and infections quickly spread and are easily collected on your nail accessories. Manicure kit must be in the category of items that are only yours to use.

6. Tooth brush

You must not share toothbrushes ever!

7. Headphones, earrings

Ears are very sensitive, and both earrings and headphones easily gather dangerous bacteria. Things you put in your ears should be used only by you.

8. Razor

Your razor, also, must not be shared with anyone!