Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Detoxification Beverage Made Of Spinach And Ginger


Unhealthy diet, especially based on less home cooked meals and too much fast food, can create bitterness and upsets.

In today’s article we are about to present you a spinach-beverage which will give you great amounts of energy and will cleanse your entire organism.

In order for your organism to better and easily absorb it, you will need to drink drink healthy beverage in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach.

Ingredients needed:

– 1 tablespoon of grind ginger

– 1 clove of garlic

– 1 tablespoon of honey

– 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

– Half an avocado

– Half a cup of water

– 30 grams of spinach

– Handful of parsley and mint

Method of preparation:

Wash the vegetables well, peel the avocado and chop it into cubes. Put all ingredients in a blender, except for the ginger and honey, and mix well. Once you get homogeneous mixture, add the honey and ginger in the mixture and mix again. Your beverage is ready, cheers!