Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Women Went Crazy Over This Powerful Youth Elixir!



This recipe became popular with the speed of light. Once the recipe appeared on the Internet, many women around the world tried it and were delighted! The recipe has been translated to all languages and is shared with a tremendous speed. It is a key indicator that it is really worth it.

Many women shared their experiences on this elixir. In this article we single out a few comments:

– “I look years younger! Everyone notice my change.”

– “The skin on my face is somehow tightened, and the wrinkles are significantly reduced.”

– “My hair is shinier, thicker and firmer. I love this natural elixir.”

– “I feel especially healthier, with lot more energy and when i look in the mirror I can notice the obvious results!”

In addition we will now present the recipe for those who have never heard of it:

Youth elixir

Ingredients needed:

– 1 garlic bulb

– 2 lemon (one needs to be peeled the other is used together with its rind)

– 500 grams of honey

– 100 ml flaxseed oil (cold pressed, organic)

Method of preparation:

First, take the lemons and wash them well (peel one of them). Grind both lemons in a blender and then peel the garlic and grind it. Mix all ingredients well in order to get a smooth homogeneous mixture.

Transfer the resulting elixir in a glass bowl with a lid. Close the bowl tight and store it in the refrigerator.

Way of use:

Consume one tablespoon of the elixir, three times a day, half an hour before each meal.

Why is this elixir so efficient?

Flaxseed possesses an abundance of omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids. This oil is also the richest source of omega 3 fatty acids – it has it twice as much as the fish oil.

Besides that, it also contains antioxidants, which in combination with lemon, become great liver cleanser.

Once the liver gets rid of all the toxins, the process of rejuvenation begins.

Lemon is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. This fruit has the ability to strengthen both the immune system and blood vessels.

Garlic, on the other hand, cleanses blood vessels and honey feeds them.

It has been proven that these ingredients reconstruct the body and rejuvenate the entire organism.


Source: healthyandnaturallife

