This Powder Is Causing Cancer in 10,000 Women



Everybody likes to have a baby powder for their newborns so they can have a pleasant smell. Most women also prefer talc form of the baby powders. They think it softens the skin and gives their skin a youthful look.

You are Probably Thinking Wrong

If you also feel the same about baby powders, then you need to change your mind. Baby Powder like Johnson and Johnson’s has been reported to be associated with a 33% risk of developing ovarian cancer in women.

Dr. Daniel Cramer is an epidemiologist who studied the proportion of women developing cancer after the daily use of baby powder. He found that it caused cancer in 10, 000 women.

Alarming Facts:

In 1982, research studies were conducted that proved the relation between baby powder and diagnosis of ovarian cancer after a few years. These studies have estimated that women who use talc forms of powder have 300 times greater risk of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

These facts were provided to the common public by the New York Times that raised questions regarding the use of this product. The Johnson and Johnson’s company then had to reveal the truth about it.

Look At the Label and Follow:

There are some warnings on the bottle of the Johnson and Johnson’s Baby powder. You must read them now if you have one in your home. After reading them, you might want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The company Johnson and Johnson’s warn people to refrain from breathing in the powder and accidently coming in contact with the eyes. They do not speak about the powder’s ability to be absorbed by the skin and stored there. The powder is then transferred to your ovaries.

Also, they give no information regarding the harmful effects of the powder like causing inflammation in body tissues that leads to cancer. Inflammation provides a suitable environment for the development of cancer.

What about the Baby?

On your baby, it has worse results. The American Academy Of Pediatrics has given a general warning for all parents who use baby powders regarding the unsafe effects of talc-based powders. Talc can be inhaled easily by infants and desiccate their mucous membranes.

This causes respiratory difficulty with wheezing coming from the chest. Infants have also been reported to develop Pneumonia due to the inhalation of baby powder. This important information is just missing from the label.

Why do they Hide the Truth?

All big companies love their money making a brand name. They do not care if you get a Cancer or a heart attack. Why would you buy a product that gives you Ovarian Cancer and Respiratory disease to your innocent baby?

However, many responsible people are filing lawsuits in the court that the company should provide this type of information. This is the basic right of every ordinary man to know if he is going to get harmed. It should be printed in bold letters that “This Powder may Cause Cancer”.

If this happens nobody in the world is going to buy Johnson and Johnson’s baby powder, and it might very well get banned.

What is Safe to use?

Natural stuff is safer. You can use ½ cup of arrowroot in powdered form with 1 teaspoon of Chamomile to treat a sore bottom. Adults can also use this remedy to have a soft and youthful skin.


Source: Healthy Food Star