Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Recipe: A Glass Full Of Health – Carrot, Banana And Ginger



Only one glass of this beverage can make miracles for your overall health.

In this article we will present you amazingly healthy and refreshing beverage that has an abundance of vitamins. It will strengthen your immune system and will bring back your energy. Other property of this beverage’s is that it acts as a liver cleanser, which means it will detoxify this important organ.

Ingredients needed:

– 4 carrots

– 1 banana

– 1 glass of water

– Half a teaspoon of fresh parsley

– Half a teaspoon of ground flaxseed

– Juice of one lemon

– Small piece of ginger

Method of preparation:

Put all above mentioned ingredients in a blender and mix until you get homogeneous mixture.

Serve this drink with several ice cubes. Cheers!