Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Ginger – Plant It Yourself At Your Home!


We all are aware of ginger’s health benefits, but do you know how to plant in a pot all by yourself?

Read the rest of this article and find out!

The only material you will need is a pot with soil and store bought ginger root, which, by its shape, resembles a human hand. It is best to select the “hand” with more “fingers” in order to be able to get more fruits, it is necessary to break through the ginger’s dither in multiple parts.

The planting is easy:

Put one ginger “finger” in the pot and remember that it must be on the surface of the soil. Be careful not to bury the ginger piece in the soil, because that is actually the trick for achieving successful planting. Water it often. It does not need plenty of light and a lot of heat.

It is recommended to be planted in early autumn, and when spring arrives to transfer it the garden. When you move the ginger from its current pot into the garden, you need to choose a place with disperses soil. Remember to water it regularly.

If you grow ginger by following these tips, it can grow from 60 up to 120 cm. Let it grow from 3 to 5 months. Before you start using it, new growths will occur in the soil.

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