Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Meaning Of The PH Value In Drinking Water

Woman Drinking Glass of Water

By drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water with a balanced pH and other ingredients such as calcium and magnesium (in ideal terms) you will:

– Normalize pH value in your organism

– Detoxify your whole organism without any side effects (this applies to all ages)

– Bring back your organism’s natural immune system

(pH of the blood is in the range of 7.35 to 7.45 which 86% of the blood is water and the remaining is dry matter). Not any kind of carcinoma cell, virus or bacteria can live in the water with balanced Ph.

Healthy people have alkaline systems.

Oxygen cannot be absorbed by the cells in highly acidic environment. In order to receive food and vitamins we needed to have normal pH (alkaline environment). Almost everything we do in this life full of stress, leads to high acidity environment occurrence, even exercise creates high acidity. Our body tries to maintain normal pH value of the blood by everything we do, even breathing. Body fluids are between 4,5 and 7,5 pH (blood must be between 7:35 to 7:45 in order to stay alive).

Soft drinks such as sodas, have pH 2,5. It takes 32 cups of alkaline water to neutralize the acidity of one can of soda. When you drink soft drinks or other contaminated tissue with high acidity, oxygen is trapped and the human body takes calcium from the bones in order to regulate the pH.

By drinking clean water you will be able to avoid cancer, heart diseases and arthritis.

Cancer cannot survive in alkaline environment.

Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg, who is two time Nobel prize winner, claims every time he puts tumor cells in alkaline environment, the cells die within seconds. According to him, in order to overcome cancer all you need to do is alkalizing your body.

Chlorine cleans water from organic substances that may be present in it. It is put in water in order to make it “safe for use.” But the problem is that part of the chlorine remains free and other part binds with organic substances forming trihalomethanes that can cause cancer.

Although scientists in the world say that chlorine is a carcinogen substance, most people do not think about this too much. The World Health Organization provides data in which is explained that chlorine in the water is 40% to 50% of the times cause of it. Cancer (colon, breast), birth defects, serious skin teeth and throat injuries, stillborn children are all associated with the chlorine in the water.

The use of water containing a large amount of chlorine can cause spontaneous abortions and Spina bifida. Spina bifida is a neural tube defect (disorder of the brain, spinal cord and their protective shells) caused by the failure to close the spinal cord in the fetus during the first month of pregnancy. Spina bifda can also cause complications with the bladder and many children with this disease suffer from hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain).

Even 90% of all diseases in the world are caused by unclear and chlorinated water! (Louis Pasteur)