Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Lemon Zest Treats Joints: Recipe After Which You Will Wake Up Pain Free


Lemon is one of the most useful foods of the world. We can say this safely just if we look at how big is the list of diseases which the lemon is effective against.

Most scientists say that lemon is a super food or food that is irreplaceable and valuable in the world.

Lemon containing bioflavonoids, pectin, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese.

This super-ingredient have favorable effects on the operation of the stomach, intestines, liver, cardiovascular and immune system.

With regular consumption of lemon you can prevent many diseases, such as:

– Arthritis

– Bacterial infections

– Kidney stones

– Bronchitis

– Flu

– Laryngitis

– Cancer

Moreover, lemon is a great fighter against pain in the joints. For this purpose, we offer you a recipe that, if properly made, you will be able feel relief in both your hands and feet.

Coating for treating joints – recipe

Ingredients needed:

– Zest from two lemons

– Olive oil

Method of preparation:

Put the lemon zest in a glass jar and fill the rest of the jar with olive oil. After that you need to tightly close the jar and let it stand still for 14 days.

Way of use:

Paste the resulting oil onto clean gauze and place the gauze onto the patient’s wrist. Put plastic bag over the gauze and wrap it with a woolen scarf afterwards.

Apply the coating in the evenings, before bedtime and spend the night with it.