Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

He Drank This Beverage Every Day And Lived 152 Years – Here Is How To Prepare It Yourself


For a long time it was thought that Norwegians owe their beauty to this beverage. Even the honorable Dr. Paavo Ariola advised for long and quality life.

Old Thomas Parr is the evidence that whey is miraculous beverage. This English peasant lived 152 years. He was known for drinking whey every day.

Composition and health benefits of whey

This ingredient is suitable in everyone’s diet from the day they were born to old age. Since it has lot of similarities to breast milk, whey can be used in the diet of the child instead of mother’s milk.

Whey in its original form is a liquid comprising less than 1 percent of protein and 93 percent of water. Whey’s main ingredients are potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids.

There are only 26 calories contained in one hundred grams of whey, making it particularly suitable for weight loss.

Here are some tips on how to make whey on your own.

The healthiest beverage for diseased liver

Clean liver is the key to good health, and whey is a powerful cleaner of the liver. If you suffer from any liver disease, you should drink whey regularly. It contains beta- lactoglobulin, which supplies the body with amino acids called BCAA, which significantly help against advanced disease.

Supplementing with BCAA helps people with cirrhosis to live longer and better, experts say.

Alpha-lactalbumin contained in whey, has an abundance of essential amino acid tryptophan known for regulating sleep and improving mood. It is rich and immunoglobulin lizosom which strengthens immunity, which is very useful in chronic hepatitis. Also it contains anti inflammatory lactoferrin – invaluable ingredient which protects the body from infections and toxins. The level of cysteine is very low in patients of hepatitis C, which impairs liver damage.

In fact, glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which helps the thyroid problems, chronic inflammation, cancer, sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

For durability and weight loss

If you intensively do sports, you try to lose weight, you are under stress or suffering from serious illness, whey should be part of your daily menu. Whey possesses an abundance of electrolytes, hydrates the body, gives more energy and is very much more useful to consume it instead of harmful energy drinks.

Whey is the main raw material for producing proteins which are an inevitable part of every athlete’s diet. Consumption of whey allows faster recovery and muscle growth after exercise, and reduces appetite and encourages weight loss.

Also it contributes to nerve health because it reduces blood glucose and blood pressure, research suggests. You can ease vulnerabilities to modern life such as obesity, high blood pressure, fatigue and stress by regularly consuming whey.

Folk remedy for improving digestion

Lactic acid contained in whey reduces excessive number of fungal and bacteria in the intestines. Its low pH value encourages their work.

Regular consumption of whey is recommended in constipation, bloating, cramps, diverticulitis and chronic inflammation in the intestines.

This old folk remedy can significantly help in the following diseases and health conditions:

– Chronic fatigue
– Obesity caused by stress
– Overeating
– High blood pressure
– Reduced immunity
– Stomach upsets
– Liver
– Candida
– Cleansing the body of toxins and harmful material

Preparation and application of whey

The best thing about whey is that you can make it at home from raw milk or buy it in markets or shops for eco-food, or to obtain it from the local producers. Goat whey is the best, but cow’s is also good. The most important thing is that the animals from pastures are “pumped” with hormones. Out of 10 liters of milk, on average, you should get one kilogram of cheese and nine liters of whey.

How to make it at home (recipe)

Put 1 liter of milk (cow or goat) in a bowl and put the bowl on fire in order to boil. When the milk starts boiling remove it from the fire, and add juice of one lemon in it while it is hot. Then stir nicely and leave to cool until the greenish liquid milk begins to separate. That is whey. After that you need to strain the liquid nicely, using gauze. Keep the resulting liquid in a glass bottle and store the bottle in the refrigerator.

Since it has diuretic properties, initially whey is recommended to be drunk, but you can drink 1.5 deciliters three times daily, and gradually increase this dose up to a liter per day.

If you have problems with digestion all you need to do in order to get rid of it is mix a teaspoon of whey in a glass of water and drink the resulting mixture before each meal.