Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Fried Food Increases The Risk Of Heart Attack By 56%


People who eat large amounts of fried foods and drink sweetened drinks have about 56% bigger risk of having a heart attack compared to those who choose healthy food.

US scientists conducted a study involving more than 17,000 people, including whites and African Americans, who did not have heart problems prior to the survey.

The research lasted for 6 years and it was found that those who ate fried foods, fatty processed food, bacon, ham, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and drank sugary and carbonated beverages were in a much greater danger than those who eat a healthy diet. The risk of heart attack is increased by 56% for those who eat fried food.

The scientist, nutritionist and epidemiologist James chicane says that regardless of race, gender and place of residence, if you often eat fried food, you are in greater danger of developing heart disease, so it is necessary to introduce gradual changes in diet.

So, therefore, try to reduce the number of fried meals and quantity of processed meat three days a week. Instead, eat vegetables and chicken.