Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Folk Remedy Against All Types Of Cysts


This recipe is based on application of two main ingredients: Aloe and alcohol.

It is used in the treatment of malignancies, cysts, blockage of blood vessels, asthma, bronchitis and angina.

This medication removes cysts after consumption of two doses. But you will not be wrong if you use it as prevention and maintaining your overall health.

Ingredients needed:

– 150 grams of aloe leaves

– 500 ml of medicinal alcohol

– 750 ml of red wine of good quality

– 500 grams of homemade honey

– 500 grams of chicory coffee

Method of preparation:

Firstly, you should take the leaves of aloe and clean the spikes off of them and grind them in a blender. When it comes to the other ingredients, you should only mix them in a bowl. Add the mixture of crushed aloe leaves afterwards.

In order to mix all ingredients you will need 3-liter glass jar.

Once you put the resulting mixture in the jar, make sure to close it tightly leave in a dark and cool place to stand for 2 full weeks.

After two weeks, strain the mixture and transfer the resulting liquid in a glass bottle.

Way of consuming:

Consume 1 tablespoon of the remedy 1 hour before meals, which means you should consume 3 tablespoons throughout the day.

The most important thing is for your stomach to be empty when you consume the remedy.