Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Five Tibetans – Five Simple Exercises For The Movement Of All The Vital Organs In Our Body


Each body has seven energy centers or chakras. We can visually imagine them as an invisible energy fields that spin. Each chakra is in a relationship with each seven endocrine glands in the human body. It is known that these hormones manage all bodily functions, including the aging process.

Tibetan rituals, also known as T5T (The Five Tibetans) do not represent anything strange nor mystical. They actually are five small practical exercises that are essential for our body because they activate all of the vital parts by simple and natural movements. Tibetans can be practiced regardless of gender, age and accompanying diseases.

The exercises are practiced in an odd number (3, 5, 7 times) until you reach 21 times for each particular ritual. In the beginning, while the body is accustomed, you need to start practicing every ritual at least three times a day. After that you can increase by two numbers each following week without being limited by the time of the day you practice them. It is very important to practice them consistently, but if someone cannot practice some of the rituals, it can be omitted. Tibetans are practiced without any major effort and are done with as much energy as your body can produce.

The daily practice of Tibetans will not only improve your physical, but also emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Every part has its own meaning.

1. First Tibetan -Increases physical and spiritual movement and stabilizes the psychological condition.

Stand still. Slightly bend your knees. Spread your hands sideways. Direct your eyes into one point. Rotate slowly clockwise (from left to right), while standing in one place. Practice this exercise five times a day. Since you might feel dizzy, the orientation of the point, which you have initially started and will finish with, will help you. Stop, place your hands on your chest and direct your eyes on the thumbs.

2. Second Tibetan – It will return you to your core and strengthens both abdominal muscles and immunity.

Lie on on the floor on your back and spread your arms alongside the body with your fingers together, not spread. Breathe deeply and calmly. While inhaling pull both your head and your knees toward your stomach. You back should remain pinned to the ground. During the second inhaling, lift both your legs horizontally in the air. Remain in this position during several breaths. When you exhale, slowly lower the lower part of the head and feet on the floor.

3. Third Tibetan – Spreads the chest and helps clearly see your life goals.

Vertically straighten your body, straighten your toes as well, and crouch. Direct your chin toward the chest. Close your eyes and inhale several times. When inhaling, move the hands, in circular motion, and transfer them onto your hips. Relax the shoulders and slightly lean backwards. Slowly lower the head behind your back, relax the jaw, open it slowly and inhale several times. In order to achieve balance, take a position as if you were an embryo, rely your buttocks on the heels and your forehead on the floor.

4. Fourth Tibetan – It straightens the neck, strengthens the spine and activates digestion.

Sit with your legs straightened. Rely your hands on the level with the buttocks so that the neck remains upright. Bring your legs and place your feet hip-width, parallel to each other. Lift the buttocks with the first inhaling. Then lift your body in the bridge position. Slowly lower your head backwards. Relax the lower jar. Remain in this position in the next few breaths. Without stopping to breathe, briefly tighten every muscle in the body. When you exhale return to the original sitting position and relax. In order to achieve balance, bent the upper body over the leg,.

5. Fifth Tibetan- purifies the mind and cancels bad mood.

Lie on your stomach on the ground and place your hands to chest-height. Apply pressure on the floor with the toes and during the inhalation lift your hands upwards. Slowly switch your head to the rear and stay in this position during a few peaceful breathes. Take the V-position in the following inhaling. Lower your heels on the ground and pull the chin to the chest. Shortly hold your breath while in this position and return to the initial position afterwards.

Here is a video for all of the exercises: