Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Celery – Fighter Against High Cholesterol And Triglycerides; How To Make Celery Tea For Treating Rheumatism

Organic vegetables - celery. Food background

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a plant that resembles parsley. The difference between these two is that the celery plant grows higher and its leaves are larger and it can form the ball-like shaped root. Useful compounds are present in all parts of the plant such as in the root, the stem and leaves, and the seed. In the past, celery was available only during early spring and autumn, while today you can purchase it in the supermarkets and on the market throughout all year.

History of celery

Celery has been known since the time of ancient Greeks. In Homer’s Iliad it is describes as horses graze wild celery, in Odyssey the existence of meadows with wild celery was mention. Because of the pleasant aroma and green leaves, celery is associated with the cult of death, and in ancient Greece wreaths for the dead were made from celery leaves. Winners of the ancient Isthmian Greek games (held in honor of the god Poseidon) and Nemean games received wreaths of celery. Celery was used as a cure for certain diseases among ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. Hippocrates spoke that if something is wrong with your nerves you should eat a lot of celery. Initially celery was used only as a medicine and even in the 17th century it was started being used in food.

Composition of celery

Celery is rich in essential oils, vitamins and minerals. The root of celery contains essential oils, sugar, aspin, asparagine, tyrosine, choline, alosorubusen, pentosan and fat. Both the roots and leaves possess the same nutritional value, which makes them both useable.

The energy value of 100 grams of celery (root with leaves) is small – is 14 kcal / 59 kJ, from which 0.69% are protein, 2.97% are carbohydrates and 0.17% is fat. Celery is an excellent source of vitamin K (29,3 μg, which means 29% of the recommended daily intake), fiber, vitamins and minerals. When it comes to vitamins, celery contains vitamin C the most, then all the B vitamins, carotene and vitamins C and E. Celery nutritional value lies in its mineral ingredients. 100 grams of celery contains sodium (98 mg), calcium (55 mg), magnesium (25 mg), potassium (291 mg) and phosphorous (40 mg).

Celery healing benefits

Due to the many nutritious and healthy substances contained in celery, this herb is considered very healthy and healing. The root and seeds of the celery are used to treat mild forms of anxiety, fatigue, cough, loss of appetite, as well as difficulties in digestion and diseases of the stomach and intestines. Celery is very useful for diabetics.

Celery possesses a mild diuretic effect, similar to the one parsley possesses. Therefore, it has diuretic action and can be used against rheumatism, gout, arthritis, sand and stones in the kidney and bladder, in inflammation of the urinary tract, against cellulite and obesity, asthma, pneumonia, nerve diseases etc. Celery acts preventive against these diseases and should be consumed more often.

Since it stimulates kidneys function and discards excess fluids from the body, celery is good for people with edema caused by cardiovascular diseases.

Celery removes toxins from the body, helps in regulating high blood pressure, acts favorably in diseases of the liver and bile and helps in regulating blood sugar, so it is recommended for diabetics.

Celery and culinary

Celery can be consumed in any form. It can be eaten fresh, cooked in soups, stews, steam cooked or fried. It can be sealed with sour milk or yogurt, and is excellent when toasted with cream cheese. Sure, celery is the most beneficial if consumed fresh. The most valuable celery parts are the crunchy stalks and the ball root. The leaves and seeds are used as spices.

How to eat celery?

So, you can literally eat every part of it – leaves, stems, roots. The root is usually boiled or baked; stalks are usually used in raw form but they could also be well boiled and/or fried. The leaves and seeds are a great spice to any stew. Celery can be added to any salad, and it wonderfully suits every type of meat, fish or seafood.

Natural pharmacy

Celery tea against rheumatism


Cook 40 grams of celery leaves in one liter of water for a few minutes. Once you are done cooking, cover the pot you are using and let it stand so until it cools. Strain the tea and drink it while lukewarm, several times a day. Make sure to consume it regularly for several weeks.

Refreshing beverage made of lemon and celery against high cholesterol and triglycerides


Before you start using any synthetic drugs in order to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, try to solve the problem by changing the diet. In case you suffer from high cholesterol we offer easy drink that you can do from simple and easily available ingredients. In order to prepare this beverage you will need 6 lemons and 4 stalks of celery. The lemons should be thoroughly washed with baking soda and cut into cubes together with the crust. Celery should be peeled and then grated. The mixture needs to stand still for 24 hours, and then strain through gauze. The drink must be kept in the refrigerator. Drink a shot of the remedy before a meal.