Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Acts As A Botox: Get Rid Of Wrinkles For Less Than 4 Dollars


If you have noticed traces of fatigue and the appearance of wrinkles on your face, then read this article and learn about the natural solution we are about to present.

We present completely natural mask, which is simple and economical, and tightens the skin as if it was Botox.

Ingredients needed:

– Freshly squeezed carrot juice (if you do not own a juicer you can use blender)

– 1 tablespoon of sour cream

– 1 tablespoon of starch

– Half a glass of cold water

Method of preparation:

Mix the starch in the half a glass of cold water. Cook the mixture until it becomes thick. Once the mixture cools, add the carrot juice and sour cream in it.

Way of use:

Before you apply the resulting mask, make sure your face is completely clean and dry. Apply the mask and leave it for half an hour. Wash your face using cold water and apply a nourishing face cream afterwards.

You can apply the mask up to three times a week. This way you will manage having glowing and tightened skin.