Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

27 Ways You Can Use Lemon


The ancient Egyptians believed that the lemon has effective protection against various toxins. This turns out to be true because recent studies have confirmed this belief.

Lemon as a remedy

Lemon’s health benefits have been known long ago. This fruit has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. It strengthens immunity and may help in weight loss because lemon juice accelerates metabolism. This sour fruit contains citric acid, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids and other ingredients that increase immunity and fight against infections. These are the well known facts about lemon.

1. Acne

Due to citric acid consisted in lemon it may assist in the treatment of acne. Vitamin C is found in arginine and its alkaline nature kills certain types of bacteria which are known to cause acne.

Apply some fresh lemon juice on the acne and leave it on the face during the night. In the morning wash your face with water. It is possible to feel little discomfort on the skin, but it will quickly disappear.

Mix one part of freshly squeezed lemon juice with an equal part of juice of roses or honey. Put the mixture on your face and hold it for at least half an hour. Then remove it with water. Repeat this treatment twice a day, in the morning and evening.

2. Wounds in the oral cavity

Lemon’s antiviral and antibacterial properties can help the healing process of wounds in the oral cavity. Mix juice of freshly squeezed lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth three times a day with the resulting mixture. There is a possibility to feel tingling when the lemon juice touches the damaged part of the mucous membrane.

3. Anxiety

If you feel tense, place a few drops of essential Melissa oil on a fabric and breathe in. Studies have shown that Melissa has a calming effect because its leaves smell of lemon and therefore can be used to eliminate fatigue, dizziness, tension and anxiety. Also, it is believed that inhaling lemon oil can boost concentration and alertness.

4. Colds and flu

When you have a cold, use lemon’s healing power, with which you would receive necessary amount of vitamin C in the defense cells.

When you notice the first sign of a cold, runny nose or sore throat, increase the dose of vitamin C in order to eliminate the virus. Drink freshly squeezed juice of one lemon in combination with lukewarm water on every two hours.

If you do have a sore throat, add juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of sea salt in one cup warm water. Rinse your throat using the resulting mixture three times a day. If you are dealing with angina, rinse the throat on every two hours for at least thirty seconds. For this, you will need to use just freshly squeezed juice of one lemon.

5. Fever

Fever is a phenomenon that can occur due to various causes and lemon is always a useful natural remedy. Add juice of one lemon and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of warm water. Drink the mixture at once, and then repeat the same process on every 2 hours until the temperature drops.

6. Eczema

If you suffer from skin infection, lemon will prove you the needed relief. Add 8 drops of essential lemon oil and a tablespoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water. Honey also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and increases the lemon’s healing power.

Soak a cloth in the mixture, squeeze the excess liquid and place the towel onto the affected area for about 15 minutes. Do this two to three times daily. This trick will not only facilitate the infection, but it will also stop and its recurrence.

7. Clavus

Lemon slices applied at night is a good remedy against clavus. Place a slice of lemon with a thickness around 5 mm and wrap it with a bandage.

8. Lemon in the fight against fatigue

Did you know that a small amount of lemon juice can quench thirst more quickly than a large amount of water?

Essential lemon oil stimulates the brain. So whenever you feel tired or cannot concentrate, add four drops of lemon oil in an aroma therapy bowl. You can also drink a glass of water in combination with lemon in a certain time interval.

9. Treating hypertension

In the fight against hypertension, garlic and onions showed great results, but lemon also showed the same effect. Add three slices of onion and one chopped garlic head in cold regular milk or soy milk. Boil the mixture and let it stand still for 5 minutes. Strain the content and add juice of three lemons afterwards. Drink the content throughout the day.

10. Breath refreshment

After consuming certain spices, tobacco and alcohol, lemon can help refresh your breath. Rinse your oral cavity several times a day using fresh lemon juice mixed with a glass of lukewarm water. Chewing on pieces of lemon after each meal can also help.

11. Rheumatism

Lemon juice has an alkaline effect in the body and therefore is a natural remedy against excess acids which are partially responsible for rheumatism.

Drink juice of one lemon mixed in a glass of lukewarm water three times a day. If you have severe pain, add juice of two lemons in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it three times a day.

Massage the painful area with a few drops of lemon oil mixed with a tablespoon of jojoba oil on a daily basis.

12. Insomnia

Lemon, in combination with other herbs such as chamomile and hops calms the organism and helps when it comes to reducing anxiety.

13. Varicose veins

Lemon oil can help in the fight against varicose veins. Add two to three drops of lemon oil jojoba, avocado or almond oil and massage the affected areas.

If you are dealing with varicose veins, add six drops of lemon oil, 50 ml of cereal oil and two drops of cypress and juniper. Use this mixture to massage the legs, towards the heart, on a daily basis.

14. Accelerate your metabolism

Add juice of one lemon in a cup of warm water and drink the resulting mixture after every meal. Citric acid stimulates the production of gastric acid and activity of the abdominal muscles.

Lemon use in the household

1. Clean oily spots

Before you use toxic cleaning products, try using lemon. Put little bit of salt onto a half a lemon and rub the area that needs cleaning and wipe it afterwards. Be careful with surfaces that may be sensitive to acid.

2. Clean your microwave

Try this instead using strong chemical: Put one lemon in large bowl, that you have previously filled with water up to half, and heat it in the microwave for 5 minutes at high temperature. This way you will allow the steam to condense on the inside, which will help you remove the stains inside the microwave by wiping with a cloth after you have removed the bowl.

3. Clean the tea pot or coffee pot

Fill the teapot with water and add a few thin slices of lemon in it. Boil the water afterwards. Then, remove the pot away from the fire and let it stand still for one hour. Drain and rinse the pot well. For cleaning the coffeepot you need to add ice, salt and lemon in a pot, while empty. Rub the coffeepot for two minutes and rinse it off afterwards.

4. Against insects

Add twenty drops of lemon oil in a spritz bottle filled with water and spritz the resulting mixture in the air. You can also get rid of the annoying insects by soaking a cotton wool in the water-lemon mixture and placing it in the bedroom.

If you are sitting outside, in the evening, moisten the exposed skin with a mixture of 10 drops of lemon oil and sunflower oil. You can also chop the lemon bark and place it in the thresholds, windows, close any cracks or holes that ants or other pests can enter.

5. Garbage

In order to remove garbage smell, use lemon bark.

6. Clean chrome

Gently rub the chrome with lemon, rinse it and polish it with soft towel.

7. Cleaning copper

Half a lemon on which you have applied salt or baking powder can be used for cleaning copper.

8. Refresh your cutting board

Lemon is a good tool choice to refresh the cutting board due to its citric acid, low pH value and antibacterial properties. After disinfecting, rub the cutting board with half a lemon and let it stand still for a few minutes before you rinse it.

Lemon as a cosmetic mean

1. Wrinkle reduction

Heat a mixture made of one cup of milk, two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of cognac or brandy. Cool the mixture at room temperature, apply it onto the affected area and wait for it to completely dry. Rinse the affected area afterwards.

2. Removing dead cells from the skin

Give your skin a new glow by gentle massaging it with a mixture made of lemon juice and sugar.

3. Lighten the freckles

Apply lemon juice on the freckles and let it act for 15 minutes. Rinse afterwards. Repeat this procedure once again, before you go to bed.

4. Against dandruff

Add one teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of water. Use the resulting mixture to massage your wet hair. Rinse afterwards.

5. Face cream

Mix juice of one lemon and a quarter of a cup of olive or almond oil. Apply onto face and let it act.