Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Very Tasty Cheesecake In A Glass: Spring Enjoyment With Only 76 Calories



There is no bigger happiness than the one we experience in spring because everything blossoms and is colorful. There are also many kinds of fruits with which can experiment and truly enjoy.

If you like strawberries, this recipe you will surely like this recipe. This recipe is not only great refreshment but it is also low in calories.

Ingredients needed:

– 1 dl of regular fat free yogurt

– 1 dl almond or coconut oil

– Several fresh strawberries

Method of preparation:

Put all above mentioned ingredients in a blender and mix until you get homogeneous thick mixture.

Pour the resulting mixture in a glass and add several ice cubes or frozen fruit of your choice in order to get even sweeter refreshing beverage.

You can also prepare this shake using blueberries or raspberries.
