Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Three Unusual Uses Of Toothpaste That Will Amaze You!


Hygiene products for care of your teeth you use daily have many other uses. We chose three of the most interesting things you can use toothpaste’s benefits for.

1. Use toothpaste against acne

You are probably well familiar with the old trick that reveals the connection of acne and toothpaste. If you have acne and want to immediately get rid of them, apply little bit of toothpaste directly onto them. The paste will reduce swelling and help to quickly reduce and make acne disappear.

Additional advice: Do not pop the acne before practicing this trick.

2. Toothpaste will help you remove unpleasant odors from hands

Did you know that the annoying and unpleasant odor you get after cleaning fish or chopping onions can be removed with a little toothpaste? You only need to apply little bit of toothpaste and a small amount of water on the palm. Rub your hands and wash them afterwards. The unpleasant odors will immediately disappear.

3. Clean your jewelry

Using toothpaste you can clear your gold and silver jewelry. All you have to do is to rub a little toothpaste on the jewelry you are trying to clean. Wash the jewelry and repeat the procedure until the jewelry is not perfectly clean.

Additional advice: Never use brush when cleaning your jewelry because you can damage it.