This is The Most Healing Salt in The World, It Can Treat Over 20 Diseases



Himalayan salt is considered as the healthiest and purest form of salt. It has been considered an important ingredient in human food since ancient times. In Korea it was used as exchange, in ancient Rome, soldiers were paid by salt. So it’s clear that it was one of the most important and precious ingredients in ancient times.

Unlike common salt, it does not increase the amount of sodium and potassium in your blood and is easily digested and maintains normal blood pressure. So let’s see the various amazing properties this powerful salt:

Composition of Himalayan Salt

Sodium is an important mineral which maintains the amount of electrolyte in our blood and maintains blood pressure. It helps in normal functioning of muscles. It contains 84 elements required in our body and supplies our bodies with important nutrients.

The molecular structure of Himalayan salt is tiny and our body cells can easily digest them. It includes sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium which are important for normal functions in our body.

Himalayan salt is more than 250 million years old and can only be found pure in Himalayan caves. People still manually remove it and wash it.

First of all it has been dried naturally in the sun and packed in organic bags. This procedure is done to preserve its purity and harmony with nature. It has an intense taste and so needs to be taken in small quantity.

Except pressure regulation, it’s quite helpful for people suffering from poor circulation in arms and legs. Let us see how it is done.

Himalayan Salt in Medicine

Traditionally Himalayan salt is considered very precious. So it was used by aristocracy and called White gold.  The highest quality boulders are used in table salt while the bigger grounds are used in baths and other important ingredients.

Its Health advantages are:

  • It prevents dehydration of organism by easy absorption.
  • Regulating level of electrolytes and water in our body.
  • Prevents diabetes by controlling levels of sugar in our blood.
  • It is helpful for regulating digestive and metabolic activities.
  • Balances the Ph of our cells.
  • Prevents ageing of body.
  • Supports healthy respiratory tracts specially sinus.
  • Helpful for bones in growing children.
  • Regenerates brain cells and helps in getting deeper concentration and good sleep.
  • Reduces muscle cramps.
  • It improves circulation of blood and maintains healthy vascular system.
  • It helps in normal functioning of liver and kidneys.
  • It is useful in respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, etc.
  • Helps in blood purification and detoxification.
  • Keeps up our energy levels and maintain a positive attitude.


It has no negative effect and doesn’t harm our stomach and kidneys and other body organs. Food gets a natural taste when it is added to our food. Himalayan salt lamps are much better than traditional lamps and can prevent from harmful electromagnetic radiation. So they can be used near computers and TVs.

Uses of Himalayan Salt Bath

Himalayan salt can be an important part of your bathroom. It can easily be absorbed by skin which is the biggest organ in our body. It reflects the health of our inner body parts and Himalayan salts maintain the energy flow in our body.

Saline Baths with Himalayan salts helps us in following ways:

  • Various diseases of the skin.
  • Insect wounds, bites and blisters.
  • In skin irritations, rheumatism and diseases of the joints.
  • In post operative recovery and various gynaecological problems.


Detoxification with Himalayan salt is as good as 3 days of fasting. In order to get full benefits of Himalayan salt bath we need to maintain an amount of 30 gm of salt in 3 litres of water. It is same as in our body.

An average bathtub holds about 100 to 120 litres of water and so salt required for the bath is around 120gms. The water needs to be at 37 degrees. And when you are using bath with Himalayan salt it should last for half an hour and don’t use any soap or oil. After the bath rub with a clean towel and take a rest for 40 minutes.

Where to buy Himalayan Salt

Price if Himalayan salt depends on weight and packaging. But it varies around 1 to 3 dollars. You can get it anywhere from health food stores, herbal pharmacies and on the internet.

Using Himalayan Bath Soap

The Himalayan salt bath soap contains 100% crustal salt and other additives and impurities. It is helpful for treating dry skin, herpes, cellulite etc. It can be used as deodorant as well.

When you first apply it there will be a minor tingling of your skin but you should not worry as it is detoxifying your body and will stop in a few minutes. You don’t need any other ointments with this soap.

Himalayan Salt in Treatment of Acne

You can use Himalayan Salt for treating acne, skin rashes and other skin problems. It is recommended that in the morning make a solution of 3 litres of water and 100 grams of salt. It is left to cool and used in the day. Before you start make sure you exfoliated your skin.

Himalayan salt is mixed with essential and base oils of your choice and then use to gently rub and peel your skin. The rubbing needs to be gentle so the oil and salt are absorbed and treat your skin from inside.

Then comes expansion of pores so that salt minerals are absorbed in larger amounts and warms the body. The result you get after the treatment is soft and smooth skin. Exfoliation can be done once or twice a week but face needs to be washed every day to keep your skin healthy.

Recipes of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt for Nose and Sinuses

To prepare this solution, mix a little Himalayan salt and ½ l of water in a nose syringe. Once the salt has crystallised and settled at the bottom of the container, solution is ready to be used.

Spray once in your nostrils and you will find it easier to breathe.

Other uses of Himalayan Salt

Apart from bath and treatment for nose Himalayan salt has many other uses. Like:

  • For Ear infection, you can use Himalayan salt and water as drops.
  • For nausea due to travel, cover your neck with cloth filled with salt.
  • For treating fungus on your feet, dip your feet in a saline solution.
  • For sore throat, gargle with solution but don’t swallow it.

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt lamps can be one of the most useful and important part of your home furniture. It is the healthiest source of artificial light.

If you are suffering from asthma, chronic fatigue, seasonal allergies, depression then this lamp can be your answer to solve all your problems. It can also be used as Feng Shui. Use it in your home or places of your children to keep everyone healthy.

How Does a Himalayan Lamp Work?

When the salt crystal is heated, it emits negative ions which is ideal for our health and acts as a natural air purifier. It has no shelf life so it is useful as a gift.

It can be bought online or elsewhere at an average price of 20 dollars.


Source: healthandhealthyliving