This 18-Year-Old Girl Lived on 3 Apples a Day for 8 Months! 5 Years Later This is What she Looks Like!




Here is a real-life story of an 18-year old girl Victoire Macon Dauxerre from France. This high school student was preparing for her examinations when she took a brief break and went shopping along with her mom. This may have been an ordinary thing to do, but it was during this break that her life changed forever.

She had never imagined what would happen next. When she was out for shopping with her mother, a top-class modeling agency representative saw her and asked her to join.

Dauxerre did have a desire to continue with her Sciences Pro study in the renowned University of Paris, still she took the opportunity offered by the Elite modeling agency representative and entered the world of glamour and light – the world of modeling.

But the moment she stepped into this so-called world of glamour, she soon started seeing how things actually worked.

It was a captivated world where you had to have thin bodies to be able to succeed on the pedestal. She claims that she was never told about losing her weight. She was soon given her first assignment – the Fashion Weeks in September and was asked to be ready to fit into size 32 to 34.

She thought that the only way she could achieve this was by starving herself, and she started doing so. Within 2months, she was 22 lbs lighter. All she consumed during this time was 3 apples and sparkling water throughout her days. She took chicken or fish, just once a week. And that too a single piece!

But after following this regime, she eventually came down to 103 lbs, even at 5-foot 10 inches of height.

This helped open many doorways for her, helping her become a successful model. She became a regular participant in several haute couture shows taking place across the leading fashion centers including Paris, New York and Milan. She got the chance to work for the biggest brands in the industry including Miu Miu and Alexander McQueen.

It was not long before Victoire became one of the top 20 models with the highest demand.

That may seem to be a highly successful story of a young French student. But there is another side to this story too!

She suffered the following health problems:

– Her pulse became weaker

– Her body became anorexic

– Her periods had stopped

– She began suffering from osteoporosis

– Even her hair began falling

Her condition became so bad that she would also sometimes faint during her fashion shows.

But that was not all!

There was another dark side to this world of glamour. In Victoire’s words, they were manipulating her photos by adding weight to her cheeks and thighs. She says that they were not allowed to speak about this, and any girl who’s working in the industry would deny this if she doesn’t care about her career.

Another startling revelation is that models would be snacking to show it to the journalists, only to vomit it out when the cameras went off and the interview was over.

Victoire says that gradually she began feeling depressed, alone and sad. As if she was lost in this strange world. In fact, she became bulimic and just 8 months into her job, she made an attempt on her own life.

All this while, people around her were telling her that she was living a dream life. However, in reality she was feeling so unhappy. She says that people didn’t understand.

After going through all this trouble she eventually left this career. At 23, she has written her story and published it as the book, “Never Skinny Enough. Diary of a Top Model.”

Her book tells about the huge pressure in this industry for models to remain thin. She also elaborates on the dehumanizing attitude that is prevalent among designers. She goes on to say that they don’t think that there’s much difference between coat hangers and models.



She exclaims how Karl Lagerfeld claims that Chanel suits are not made to fit women who have breasts. However, the fact is that all women will have breasts. Victoire asks why he doesn’t want to make suits that fit ‘women’.

The best thing that came out of Victoire’s story was that a French court released an order and brought a law that made no longer allowed too skinny models to work in the industry.

Victoire has advised young models like her to never work in the industry if they are forced to lose weight. Hers is a story of a brave girl. She has been able to survive all this pressure and suffering. She has also been able to effectively recover from the impact.



Today, Victoire’s wardrobe has US size 6 clothes. She has a new goal – to return to a different kind of stage – the theater.

She is a brave girl because not many girls are able to muster the courage to tell what kind of a hell it is out there. In fact, many of the girls never realize that they are suffering.

That’s why it’s so important that the world should know about the dark side of this shining fashion world. It is only this awareness that can help so many young girls not to fall for the trap or get out of it.



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