Special Diet For Melting Fat Off Of The Belly



In this article we will introduce a diet for gaining a flat belly and confidence! In order to transform your stomach into a magnet for attracting everyone’s eyes, it is necessary for you to be on a seven day-diet (or severely restricting diet), and after that to return to the old diet.

This is why, in today’s article, we will present not regular diet but diet regime. This regime will guarantee that slowly but surely you will be able to get rid of the unwanted belly fat.

Here are the basic steps to the desired results:

Fiber should be the main compound in your daily menu. You can enter it in the organism through fruits, vegetable and whole grain.

You should also drink from 2 to 3 liters of water, grapefruit juice, lemon juice or green tea a day. All other beverages and alcohol are forbidden for you to consume.

White bread and pastry are are totally forbidden!

Dairy products should also be on minimum, with the exception of yogurt and sour cream.

Besides fiber, other highly important ingredients in the diet should be white meat (cooked) and fish and sea food. All other types of meat are not allowed.

Such diet regime can last for 2 to 3 months. By this time you will surely remove the unpleasant belly fat. Besides that you will also feel much better than before, which means both your immunity and overall health will be improved.