Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

Several Reasons Why You Should Consume Avocado On A Daily Basis




Homeland of avocados is America. It grows on a tree with a height up to 20m.

You can relatively cultivate it from its seeds. And it is very easy to find an avocado fruit, especially in major markets. Avocados require light and direct sun exposure.

Avocado can be used in fresh, salted, and frozen form, then for preparation of various salads, drinks, creams, and ice cream. The fruit is also of great interest for preparation of perfumes and in the food industries as well.

You can grow it throughout the year in your room, but in the summer months you can place it on the balcony or in the garden. It should be exposed to temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius during summer, and in winter it is better to keep in a cool place – about 10-15 degrees.

This plant needs plenty of water – abundant watering and high humidity. Irrigation water should be soft and filtered. During the winter it requires less water, and enough soil, just not dry. It fertilizes twice a month with fertilizer for ornamental plants.

Do you like avocados and you often eat it? Probably this delicious fruit is often present in your smoothies, salads, sauces etc. Here are some good reasons that will tell you why it is good to eat it every day.

Avocado against heart diseases

The Journal of the American Heart Association published a study that says people who consume an avocado a day, have a low level of bad cholesterol, rather than those who have a similar diet, but do not consume avocados. Except it reduces bad cholesterol, avocado reduces overall cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

It is great for vision

Avocados contain several important antioxidants that are important for the health of our eyes. They reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Reduces the risk of developing cancer

Each time you add good ripe avocado to your diet, you protect the body against the development of cancer.

The powerful combination of phytochemicals in an avocado prevents transfer of adenosine triphosphate to cancer cells. It is a substance that cancer cell need in order to grow and spread.

Help the process of weight loss

The latest research in nutrition shows that the beneficial fats can help you lose excess body weight. Diet rich in healthy fats can eliminate excess weight.

Adding half avocado to your lunch can reduce up to 40% of calories, and will increase the feeling of satiety, which in turn will not cause hunger and make you eat between meals.

Reduces the risk of diabetes and stroke

Scientists found a link between consumption of avocado and metabolic syndrome. So, the consumption of avocados is related to the overall quality of the diet, nutrient intake and reduced risk of metabolic syndrome.

It possesses an abundance of useful fats

Avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats – the best kind of fats, contained in olive oil and improve heart health. These good fats can help to reduce hunger.

Studies have shown that people, who often include avocado in everyday meals, increase the feeling of satiety compared to those who avoid this fruit’s consumption.

Avocado is creamy and tasty vitamin bomb

Avocado is a super food! It is rich in nutrients that help the body to be healthy. Or, briefly stated, one avocado fruit contains over 14 minerals, protein, 18 essential amino acids, soluble fiber, which helps to control excess cholesterol, phytosterols, polyphenols, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins of the B group vitamins C, E and K etc.