Did You Know There Are 15 Kg Of Toxins In The Intestines? How To Cleanse Them?


All you need to do it in order to get rid of many diseases is clean the intestines of mucus, fecal deposits and other parasites.

For 70 years of life, 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluids pass through our intestines, meaning there are 15 kilograms of toxic wastes and fecal deposits build up in the stomach. They bring the body irreparable damage, and also poison the blood.

What signs indicate your intestines are filled with toxins?

– Common constipations, diabetes, poor skin condition, disturbed metabolism,excessive or insufficient weight, liver disease, kidney disease, disorders of hearing and vision,poor condition of hair and nails, and other diseases, form arthritis to cancer.

With the help of an enema c only a small part of the colon can be cleaned, 40-50 cm, and treatment for intestinal washing with the help of special equipment is too expensive, protracted and not safe for the intestinal micro flora.

If you consume one to three tablespoons of flaxseed flour you can completely cleanse the colon and small intestine of longtime mucus, fecal plaque and parasites within three weeks. The best thing is you will fully preserve the intestinal micro flora.

This simple method allows rapid normalization of body weight and fat burning process. It will also positively affect the regulation of lipid metabolism.

Flaxseed flour can absorb and eliminate toxins in the body and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

This remedy will help you in case you suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer, colitis and duodenal cancer, diseases of the urinary tract, obesity, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and disturbed metabolism.

Instead of breakfast, consume this mixture in the following three weeks:

– First week:

1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour mixed with 100 ml of kefir

– Second week:

2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour mixed with 100 ml of kefir

– Third week:

3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour mixed with 150 ml of kefir

If you cannot find flaxseed flour, buy flax seed and grind it finely. Do not make supplies for more days. It is best if you prepare a fresh serving every morning.

Also, remember to drink 2 to 3 liter of water a day.

You can practice this method for cleansing the intestines once a year.