After Reading This You’ll Never Use Swabs In The Ears


Most people think that they must use ear swabs to keep their ears clean and free of wax. The swabs are deemed to be ideal for removing wax from the ear. Their use is not as easy and risk free as we think, let’s find out why.

The scientific researches of the modern times suggest that the use of swabs is associated with harmful impact on the internal structures of the ear.

The most dreadful consequence of using ear swab is the rupture of tympanic membrane that can causes permanent deafness. The tympanic membrane is a delicate structure that cannot stand the force with which an ear swab is inserted in the ear. If you’re not giving attention and go too deep, you can cause harm to the membrane.

If the swab goes inside above the limit, it can directly stimulate or injure a nerve. This will lead to vertigo and paralysis of the facial muscles of this side. It can also lead to neural loss of hearing.

The use of unsterilized swabs is a source of introducing infection to your middle ear. Middle ear infections are a serious problem that require ages to heal completely or may transform into abscess.

If you go beyond injuring yourself, then the doctor may tell you that you require an ear surgery. You will have to bear the expense of a complicated ear surgery due to one small mistake.

Therefore, you must take precautions when using the ear swabs. Keep in mind a few things we are going to tell you and save yourself from serious damage.

1. Never insert the swab too deep inside the ear that may damage the tympanic membrane ( or the ear drum).

2. It must be clean and free of germs so that you may not introduce infection to the middle ear.

3. If you’re trying to remove wax, then you should just go and visit a clinic because by putting a swab inside your ear canal, you are pressing the wax inside the ear where it may get stuck and block the ear canal. This may result in vertigo, dizziness, vomiting and hearing loss.

4. Pay extra attention when cleaning ears of babies and kids. Try to clean them by a clean cloth or do it with a swab that has thicker tip to avoid trauma to their soft ear drum.

5. To prevent the wax from getting deposited in the ear canal, dry you ears properly after taking a shower.

6. Cover your ears with an ear plug in dusty wind or when working in a dusty environment. Dust can cause the wax to harden and get infected.


Wax is produced by the cells that try to keep the ear lubricated to protect the ear from accumulation of dust and it is antiseptic for bacteria. It is not necessary to clean wax because it will get cleaned up by taking a bath. Only when wax is impacted as a hard mass in the ear canal, you should get it removed in a clinic.

Hydrogen Peroxide can clean your ear and kill all bacteria. A few drops are enough to completely clean your ear.

Keeping in mind these harmful effects of inserting swabs in your ears, you should refrain from repeating the practice. There are other ways to clean your ear like using a clean cloth or a clean handkerchief. So please be safe and stay away from cotton swabs.

Source: healthyfoodvision