10 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Lacking Water



Two-thirds of the human body’s weight is made up primarily of water. Water is so essential to life that we cannot live without it, and if our body is deprived water for more than a few days it will sooner shut down. The cells and all organs in our body rely on water and this vital mineral helps the body in the following way;

– Water helps keep your skin looking good and youthful.

– Water protects your tissues, spinal cord and joints.

– Water regulates and maintains body temperature.

– Water helps maintain the balance of body fluids.

– Water lubricates your joints and eyes.

– Water helps your body remove waste products and toxins.

– Water aids digestion.

– Water helps control calorie intake.

Our body is designed such that without water its proper functions are halted. So it is absolutely vital that you always ensure that you are hydrated. Drink a lot of fluids and eat water rich food to keep from being dehydrated. There are times when your body loses more fluids than it normally should and it can be due to excessive sweating, diarrhea, diabetes, frequent urination, vomiting and vigorous physical activity. When this happens there is an electrolyte disparity in the body which makes it hard for the body to function properly because of dehydration.

It is therefore important that everyone knows when their body needs water as the body will exhibit signs to warn you.

These signs include;

1. Headaches and lightheadedness

You will have headaches and have a dizzy feeling when you are dehydrated. This is because there is a drop in your body’s hydration level which then causes a reduction in the amount of fluid surrounding your brain, which helps to guard it from mild movements and collisions.

The lack of water triggers nagging headaches and also migraines.

Dehydration also lessens the movement of oxygen and blood to your brain.

2. Poor concentration

The human brain consists primarily of water so any signs of dehydration would affect the brain easily. Dehydration is known to cause poor concentration and focus; you will notice that you find it hard to execute simple tasks that ordinarily you would without much hassle.

Dehydration can also cause brain fog – meaning that you will be more forgetful and you will find it difficult to think and effectively concentrate.

3. Dry mouth and bad breath

When your body lacks water you tend to have bad breath. Your body produces less saliva when it lacks water; the saliva you produce has antibacterial properties which help to fight bad breath which is caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth.

Water also helps to act as a lubricant for your mouth and without it your mouth becomes dry.

4. Having constipation and other digestive problems

Water serves as a lubricant for the digestive system and helps to keep the track clean and flexible. Water therefore helps keep your bowel movements regular and prevent constipation.

5. Eases food cravings

If you feel hungry or famished just take some water. It will help to give you that full feeling needed to stop food cravings especially at odd times in the day. You can also eat foods that are rich in water like water melon to help you with that craving.

6. Reduced urination and a change in urine color

When you urinate less or you have a change in the colour of your urine it simply means that you are dehydrated. You may urinate about four to seven times a day if you drink sufficient amounts of water per day.  Your urine should appear clear or light-colored which means you are well hydrated. But dark yellow or amber-colored urine means that your body lacks water.

7. Lethargy and fatigue

Do you feel fatigued or lethargic? It could mean you are dehydrated A lack of water causes low blood pressure and insufficient oxygen supply in the brain and body. This shortage of oxygen causes sleepiness, fatigue and lethargy.

8. Muscle and joint pain

For your joints and cartilage to stay healthy they need water. As a matter of fact it is known that they are about 80% made up of water. Your bones start grinding on each other when you lack water or you are dehydrated. This can cause serious pains in your joints as a result of the lack of proper lubrication.

9. Scaly skin and dry lips

When your body lacks water your skin which is your body’s largest organ becomes dry and it loses its elasticity quickly. The skin needs plenty of water to stay supple and moisturized. You sweat less when you drink less and so your skin is unable to wash away excess dirt and oil which has built up during the day. Also the water you drink helps to flush out toxins from the body and dehydration increases the risk of skin infections such as – acne and eczema. You also tend to have chapped lips when you are dehydrated.

10. Accelerated heartbeat

Your heart rate is affected by dehydration because there is a reduction in the blood plasma volume in the body. Your blood then becomes more viscous and this can affect your blood circulation as well as increase your heart rate.

It has been proven time without number that dehydration adversely affects the body’s functions and the general health of a person; dehydration leads to variations in the electrolytes in your body and this is primarily responsible to low blood pressure.

Tips to Prevent Dehydration:

– Remember this is the number one rule – Drink plenty of water and other fluids every day.

– Drink a large glass of water (room temperature) in the morning and try to drink a glass of water before every meal.

– Set a reminder to consume a glass of water at intervals a day if you are the busy type.

– Always take at least a bottle of water with you to work.

– Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables.

– Reduce your intake of drinks that can cause dehydration, such as energy drinks, alcohol and any other drink that has caffeine.

– Take lots of fluid if you are ill to avoid dehydration.

– Visit your doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms of dizziness, extreme thirst and maybe you are not passing urine frequently.


Source: Top 10 Home Remedies