Russian Miraculous Ointment:  After 10 Days, From The Pain Will Remain Only Memory! (RECIPE – INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE)



When on one popular Russian website for alternative medicine this ointment recipe was shared, everybody had gone crazy about it. It is no wonder because it is very simple to prepare, and very effective and it has the ability to heal many diseases.

This healing ointment can be used for treating bronchitis, otitis, tonsillitis, swellings, burns, bruises, sores, hands and legs cracks, ovaries inflammation, trophic ulcers and many other women’s diseases.

Depending on the disease, this ointment should be applied, used as compresses, or massaged. It can also be used for internal use – half teaspoon three times a day before meal.

All you need is one egg, 400 ml vegetable oil (such as St. John’s wort oil) and some beeswax (about 60 gr).

Preparation: Cook the egg, and take only the yolk; you do not need the egg white. Squeeze the yolk in a plate. Pour the oil in an enameled pot. Add the beeswax, and while on low heat, wait for the beeswax to melt. Next, take the yolk and gradually add to the oil and the beeswax. Once the oil will to make foam, remove the pot from the heat.

After the oil will cool a little, return it to the heat. Continue adding the yolk and stir it continuously. The mixture will change its color and will become dark brown. Remove it from the heat and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Strain the mixture through gauze or strainer with fine sieve. Dispose the rest.

After the ointment will be cooled, put it in a glass jar and close it with a cap. Keep the ointment in a fridge, but no more than 10 months.

If you decide to use the ointment as a compress, you need to heat it on a water vapor on 40 degrees.

Application of the miraculous ointment

Sinuses inflammation

– Melt the ointment and immediately refill it in a pipette. Do this very quickly so that the ointment does not get cool. Drip one drop in your nose twice a day in one hour time interval. Doctors claim that this way you can get rid of the monthly sinusitis – this ointment breaks through the sinuses and pulls the pus with great intensity.


– Take a piece of cotton and put some of the ointment on it and put it in your ear.

Purulent tonsillitis, abscesses in the throat, tonsillitis

– Put from the ointment in the throat and put compresses on your neck. If you are doing it at night, repeat the procedure 2-3 times and in the morning abscesses will break.

Bronchitis, pain in the stomach, intestines, ulcers, eye barley

– Three times a day before meal, take half teaspoon from the ointment.

Female diseases, fibroid to 10 weeks, ovarian cysts, inflammation, mastitis

– Dip gynecologic swab and put it into the vagina in the morning and at night. There is a claiming that after 10 days cysts become memories. In case of mastitis, put paper towel on your breasts dipped into the ointment, and cover it with a nylon bag. If possible, change it every two hours.

Burns, ulcers, sores, swelling, toothaches, sore joints

– Apply to the affected area; if wounds are not large, piece of cotton soaked with the ointment is sufficient. For toothache, the ointment should be taken with a clean finger and should be applied to the ailing tooth and jaw – pain will disappear quickly.


– Apply paper towel dipped into the ointment and apply them every 2 hours. From the wound fester will come out.

Treating hemorrhoids

– Make a tampon out of cotton and put it into the anus during the night, 8 to 10 days or as soon as there is no improvement.

– Each application which includes rubbing should be practices before sleeping and you should sleep with it. When it comes to joints, after the application of the ointment, the place treated should be well wrapped.

Thanks to this ointment you can also strengthen your nails – simply, before going to bed apply from the ointment on your nails and massage them.

Note: the wax must be natural, beeswax.