Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

How To Remove Uric Acid From Your Joints



If you are looking for an effective and natural way to eliminate uric acids from your body while reducing your body temperature, you should be drinking cucumber juice. This is one of the most effective and safest ways. Don’t stop the routine if you notice throat pain with this juice. It means that the juice is doing its work well!

Cucumber juice, when mixed with celery and ginger (two super herbs), you will get a powerful toxin-removal concoction. It will also help reduce the inflammation in your joints.

How to Free your Joints off Uric Acid Crystals?


– Medium sized cucumber – 1

– Celery ribs – 2

– Lemon – 1

– Ginger root – 2 inch


– Clean all these herbs thoroughly

– Slice the cucumber and lemon into small pieces

– Cut the ginger root and the celery ribs

– Mix all these ingredients together

– Store in a bottle

Drink this uric-acid-removing tonic daily. You can take a small dosage once or twice a day.

Source: www.weeklyhealthylife.com

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