Time For Natural Health Care
Time For Natural Health Care

How to Melt Even the Most Persistent Belly Fat – A Recipe for Breaking Fat



Winter is coming slowly but surely, and caloric intake with it. Statistics has shown that a person gains around 3 kg of body weight during winter, which is normal. However, you still need to think in terms of health.

One day a week you should consume only freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables, thus will give your body time to rest, and time to the organs in charge of detoxification – to perform their function.

Also, you need to increase walks in the fresh air whenever you can and try doing at least 10-15 minutes of cardio exercises.

Once you accelerate the metabolism it will be much easier to get rid of excess body weight.

We will now present a great beverage that will help you in all that, the ingredients have the ability to relieve you of toxins and fat within a very short time.

However, as with any diet, it is important to adhere to the rules. As for the drink, it is very important to prepare it properly and drink it regularly.

Later, you can relax and enjoy the excellent resulting. You should expect noticing the first results in less than a month.


Ingredients needed:

– 1 cup of tomato juice

– ¼ of a cup of lemon juice

– 1 teaspoon of freshly grind ginger

– 1 teaspoon of powdered hot pepper (or ½ a teaspoon of powdered black pepper)

– 2 midsized stalks of celery

Method of preparation:

Mix all abovementioned ingredients (except the celery) in order to get 220 ml of beverage. Serve the drink in glass and put the celery stalks in the glass afterwards.

While you consume the beverage you can nibble the celery. Make sure to chew it nice.

The beverage and the celery should be consumed simultaneously!

Prepare total of three cups of the fat breaker beverage between meals on a daily basis. If you prepare a larger amount for a whole day once, then keep the beverage in a glass container, stored in the refrigerator.


Source: homehealthyrecipes