Make This Remedy Every 5 Years And You Will Forget All Diseases!



It is about a remedy that is virtually 5.000 years old, a remedy that was discovered by a monk from Tibet in 1972.

It can treat numerous diseases, but it can be used only once in 5 years period because it is very strong.

It is believed to cleanse arteries; it also treats impotence, high blood pressure, lungs, arthritis, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, and gastritis. Moreover, it helps weight loss, improves eyesight and hearing and strengthens the metabolism.


– 350 g garlic

– 200 ml rum


Primarily, thoroughly cleanse the garlic and grind it. Mix it with the rum and put it in a glass bottle or jar, and next let the mixture to stay for 10 days.  Next, strain it and put it again in a glass bowl in the fridge to stay for another two days.

Suggested use:

This tincture is not allowed to be used for more than 12 days.

The tincture should be consumed according to provided scheme, namely, few drops from the tincture in a glass of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Put 1 drop before breakfast, 2 drops before lunch and 3 drops before dinner during the first day.

Please see the table for further tincture consumption.
